
Develop + Learning

DevelopL was built with the intention to cut the stress, and start you on your academic journey; pain and stress-free. Say goodbye to the chaos and hello to a seamless college application experience with DevelopL.

Smart College Matcher
Personal Statement Builder
Tailored Report
Essay Checker
Smart College Matcher

Smart College Matcher

Get matched to the university of your dreams within seconds! Our advanced AI scans your profile and provides you with a list of target, reach, and safety schools, designed to help you organize and reach your goals and dreams.

Personal Statement Builder

Personal Statement Builder

Sometimes, starting an essay is the hardest part; use our interactive AI tool to craft a stunning essay which you can use as a starting point, ready for further enhancements once you’re ready. 😃

Tailored Report

Tailored Planning and Analysis Report

DevelopL helps you understand your university requirements, which of your strengths to focus on in this important journey, and how to get the most out of your college application through a personalized report, made just for you. Download our demo report to get a better idea of what it looks like!

Essay Checker

Essay Checker

Not sure if your essay is going to wow college admissions? Put it through DevelopL’s AI-powered essay checker, designed to ensure your essay is perfect before you send it off.

We're here to help you



  • Automated college matching based on profiles and preferences
  • Personal statement builder with AI-driven feedback
  • Essay checker for grammar and style improvements
  • Tailored college planner
  • Smart deadline tracking help
Counselors & Schools

Counselors & Schools

  • Tools for managing multiple students’ applications
  • Dashboard for tracking student progress and deadlines
  • Analytics for improving counseling strategies

Coming Soon

Universities & Training Centers

Universities & Training Centers

  • Platform to connect with prospective students directly
  • Tools to analyze and select students who best fit their programs
  • Access to detailed student profiles and application data

Coming Soon

Trusted by people on the same journey as you 💜

Don't Take Our Word

For It;testimonials avatartestimonials avatartestimonials avatarTake Theirs.


How We Contribute 💜

At DevelopL, we work to make the world a better place, guided by the:

SDG 4: Quality Education

SDG 4: Quality Education

We provide affordable, AI-powered college counseling to ensure inclusive and equitable education for all, particularly underprivileged and marginalized students. By making resources accessible, we break down barriers to higher education opportunities.

SDG 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth

SDG 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth

Education leads to empowerment. Our platform helps students secure higher education and unlock better job prospects, contributing to their personal growth and boosting economic development in their communities.

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

DevelopL fosters a supportive community that promotes social integration and offers equal access to resources, reducing inequalities in education and ensuring that no student, regardless of background, is left behind.

What's Coming

Dashboard Overview
Intuitive Calendar
School and University Management
Document Management
Dashboard Overview

Dashboard Overview

Check your application statuses, upcoming deadlines, and get on top of all university and college requirement with a handy checklist; all in one place.

Intuitive Calendar

Intuitive Calendar

Automated reminders for application deadlines, test dates, scholarship deadlines, and other important timelines.

School and University Management

School and University Management

Identify colleges and universities that best match your academic profile, interests, and career aspirations.

Document Management

Document Management

A secure place to store and manage all application-related documents.

College Counseling


First Gen Friendly

Accessible Education

Easy College Apps

Digital Solutions

College Search

